-SCRAPBOOK: Posing Around The Art World 12

(This page dedicated to the splendid color: rust-orange.)

Terry Ward photographed Robert Chapman (pictured) photographing Unknown British (?) Tourist photographing Unknown British Girl With Rust-Colored Hair posing at rust-colored wall of Jim Kempner Fine Art [ web ]. A few more cameras, and it could become an infinite regression of photographers.

Unknown British Girl With Rust-Colored Hair looks at camera preview of Unknown British (?) Tourist after the former posed afront the rust-colored wall of Jim Kemper Fine Art.

Cordy Ryman at a NYC gallery opening --pictured both front-on and in profile thanks top the shadow and the attentive eye of photographer Robert Chapman.*

Terry Ward, Janet Biggs, Bob Cmar at a Janet Biggs curated art video event at the Modern and self-consciously artsy Capitol Skyline Hotel [ web ] in DC.*

Looking bored many stories up: Terry Ward outside the MBM Publications office fronting Times Square --so perched on a 30-inch building-ledge many stories above the street. Why? Because photographer said so. Always alert for suspicious activity at Times Square, NYPD doesn't ever look up for unusual activity. Ward writes occasionally for magazine "In The Art World" [ web ] (formerly "The New York Art World"), an MBM publication.*

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More pics from the ART WORLD series here.

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Unless otherwise noted, photo credit:

Terry Ward / GrumpyVisualArtist.BlogSpot.com


*Robert Chapman ArtPhotos ( Facebook.com/ArtistCamera )
**Robert Chapman ArtPhotos directed by Terry Ward
***Terry Ward directed by Robert Chapman ArtPhotos
****Courtesy of art gallery: