-ART: Series 320 (The Deletion III)

Multi-panel OmniDirectional painting group; panels composed and wired to hang at any angle. Dimensions variable; each panel (~10 lbs) size 78"x12" (6.5ft x 1ft). OK to show/sell/regroup any combination of panels (including singles) even with other series.
Series 320 (The Deletion III)
ExPaint, oil, acrylic, spraypaint, collage, vinyl boat-lettering, zixts, gravity-effects, water-effects on panels (aka mixed media).

Real world view (hanging at NYMEX in 2012).
All panels, hung horizontally:

All panels, hung vertically:

All panels, hung at angles:

Detail views:

Single panels:

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More WARD ART here.

Exhibit views.

Unusual art processes.

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