Gifting / buying Ward art is easy:
A) Artist and patron agree by email on a total art price and a timetable --manageable installment payments encouraged. Artist and patron will cooperate to find an installment amount and a schedule which even a beginning art collector can manage.
B) Artist and patron agree by email on terms of delivery (patron pick-up? artist drop-off? build crate and mail?) and fee.
C) Artist and patron agree by email on any special circumstances (haste needed? artist install? gift secrecy?) and work out the taxes and processing fees.
D) The total eventually due is A+B+C, as above, payable either all-at-once or in installments as agreed (per A, above).
E) Unless otherwise agreed, art may be acquired three weeks after patron makes initial agreed payment with the DONATE credit card button below --payment by credit card or PayPal please. If making installments, subsequent payments also use this same DONATE button.
Price, etc, info --large panels:
Terry Ward's large painted panels measure roughly 1 ft x 6.5 ft and most may be hung in any orientation. Panels may acquired be singly or in groups --mix-and-match encouraged.
For sales arranged through a gallery, the venue will please monitor closely which panels of given groups are sold. (Note: if the artist obtains representation from a gallery, sales would be entirely through said gallery; these terms apply for any non-representing venue.)
"Big art, small monthly payments" long-term installment plans may be negotiated through the artist's website,
Prices typically:
1 panel $ 2,650 each.
Volume discount:
2 panels $ 2,100 each.
3 panels $ 1,950 each.
4 panels $ 1,750 each.
5 panels $ 1,400 each.
6 panels $ 1,000 each.
Each additional panel beyond 6 panels: $ 850 each.
For parcel service within the US, add $75 per panel for boxing, mailing, and insurance.
Unless otherwise arranged, sales tax must be added to the subtotal.
For on-site sales, the venue's commission is witheld from the artist from the pre-tax subtotal and kept by the venue. For off-site sales arranged through a venue's exhibit (long-term installment plans through, the artist will send the venue their portion of each installemnt as installments arrive. (Note again: if the artist obtains representation from a gallery, sales would be entirely through said gallery; these terms apply for any non-representing venue.)
All items above apply to Terry Ward (AKA GrumpyVisualArtist) art only; if exhibiting with other artist/s, see info from other participating artist/s as needed.
Price, etc, info --quick tags:
Terry Ward's quick-tags on foamcore measure 20 in. by 30 in.
They are $ 176 each.
Volume discount:
If obtaining three panels or more, they are $95 each.
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Terry Ward works are UNTITLED.*
(Unofficial nicknames for single panels and ad hoc groups occasionally appear.)
*However, the Holocaust-themed black panels with barbed wire do have a name: HOLOCAUST: PEOPLE AND POTENTIAL BURNED TO ASH. The Holocaust black panels are not for sale (one doesn't seek profit from some things), and the artist is hoping for help arranging donation of those panels (and possibly of some related panels) to a worthy institution. Anyone with contacts which could facilitate a worthy institution accepting the Holocaust panels is encouraged to contact the artist through the artist's website:
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Gallerists note: the artist is unrepresented and thus moves art this way; however, if a gallery representation deal is made, sales in the gallery's rightful territory (and/or arranged by the gallery) naturally would be conducted through the gallery; and use of this page would be limited to old (pre-gallery) accounts completing installments. The artist shall not by independent sales undercut a bona fide gallery representation agreement if ever one should emerge. Galleries hosting Ward art on a guest basis without representation will be entitled to their normal percentage of sales generated from the exhibit and/or to the gallery's related networking.
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Scammers please note: We're aware of the various Western Union money order overpayment scams and and fake cashier's checks, thank you very much. We don't believe a word about your "relative" who owns that odd standalone shipping company located (of course) in a foreign country. Take your scam inquiries elsewhere.
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